Friday, February 15, 2008


"Man is distinguished from aLL Other creatures by the facuLty Of LAUGHTER."
JOseph AddisOn

"To LAUGH Often and LOve much; tO win the respect of inteLLigent persOns and the affectiOn Of chiLdren; tO earn the apprObatiOn of hOnest citizens and endure the betrayaL of faLse friends; tO appreciate beauty; tO find the best in Others; tO give of One's seLf; tO have pLayed and LAUGHED with enthusiasm and sung with exaLtatiOn; to knOw even One Life has breathed easier because yOu have Lived - this is tO have succeeded." Ralph Waldo Emerson

"We cannOt reaLLy Love anybOdy with whOm we never LAUGH." Agnes ReppLier

"ALways LAUGH when yOu can. It is cheap medicine." LOrd ByrOn

"YOu dOn't stOp LAUGHING because yOu grOw OLd. YOu grOw OLd because yOu stOp LAUGHING." Michael Pritchard

"LAUGHTER is the shOrtest distance between twO peOple." VictOr BOrge

"NObOdy ever died Of LAUGHTER." Max BeerbOhm

"LAUGHTER is an instant VacatiOn!" MiLtOn BerLe

"You can turn painful situatiOns arOund thrOugh LAUGHTER. If yOu can find humOur in it - even pOverty - yOu can survive it!" BiLL COsby

"The kind Of LAUGHTER i Like is the thing that makes me LAUGH for 5 secOnds and think fOr ten minutes."


Ryan and Cat said...

ha! yeahhh I feel privileged to be the first to leave a comment on your blog ruha! ha! pretty cool.. hope you're doing well, sounds good about the cameras.. been meaning to call you guys to catch up.. may do it some time next week! PLZ PLZ PLZ let soana know i've been trying to call her mobile but havent had any luck getting through!

mcuh love, hang soon

ON THE SPOT said...

great blog ruha! FEELING A FLOOR MOMENT COMING ON!! LOL!!!!!

Ruha Fifita said...


Thomas_Jones said...

shoot girl......that is one hella good blog
i think i wont have any stomach for this

MERCY said...

cool stuff ruha ,keep going laughing girl